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Larunbat goizean, eguraldia lagun izan genuela, eskolako jaialdia ospatu genuen. Maila guztietako ikasleek dantza, abesti eta bertso zoragarriak azaldu zizkiguten. Han ginen denok, ikasleak, ikasle ohiak, irakasleak, gurasoak, aiton-amonak,. We had a really good time recording this TV show. My robot has got one big h.
Eskola, herri eta auzo txikiak bizirik! Eskola publikoa eta herrian edo auzoan dagoen bakarra. Sei ikasgela edo gutxiago duen eskola. Adin desberdineko haurrak gela berean. Elkarreragina eta kooperazioa era naturalean sustatzen dira. Herriaren nortasuna eta kulturan oinarritutako heziketa bultzatzen duena. Leku atsegina, elkar ezagutzeko eta aintzat hartzeko aukera ematen duena. Irakasle eta gurasoen arteko harreman estua. Hartu saskia edo poltsa eta animatu azokara! 2017ko Festarako kamisetak salgai.
Τρίτη, 4 Αυγούστου 2015. Scraps n Pieces August challenge- Anything goes. For this month at Scraps n Pieces. We have an easy challenge! You are free to create any project you want, no limits! I chose to play with my watercolours and my modeling paste to make the background for an old family photo. I just loooove them! Το θέμα .
Welcome to the life of Amy Warren. Thursday, August 21, 2008. That year we rand a 10K, a half marathon and a full marathon. We enjoyed the challenge of training for the races and we enjoyed that fact that we were in great shape that summer. Then in 2004 I broke my right leg and I stopped running for several years.
Friday, August 14, 2015. TGIFF - Chevron Baby Quilt. Celebrating a Friday Finish with a commissioned baby quilt. The customer wanted the same quilt as I had previously made. I love a quick finish project. The customer once again picked out the fabrics, including Kona Sprout. Since I have been improving my skills on the longarm, FMQ on my little Singer feels awkward and more challenging. Have to make sure I continue to practice on the Singer as well.